Teacup Flower pop-up 3D Card

This is a free pattern and instructions for the Teacup card so you can make your own and send in the mail. The card folds flat into approximately 5" x 7" and if you don't put too many foam pieces on your layers, it will send at about the 2 ounce rate.

The teacup can be made for 6, 8 or 10 sided to hold your cutout flowers. It is so simple to make, the instructions below show you how. Just click on the printed instructions & pattern page below to enlarge it, then right click on the full sized page that pops up and 'save as' or 'save image as' to your desktop. Then just print it out and make a template out of cardboard to cut them out by hand.

OR Click here to open the project file in Cricut. You have to have Cricut Design Space to use it. If it's not working for you try to change your setting from 'Explore Family' to 'Maker'. That works for some people.

OK, I finally got this figured out. I created my first SVG cut file in Inkscape for Cricut WITH scoring. So here's the file. You have to change all the cut lines into score lines and then attach the line layer to the cup layer. Don't forget to save your copy. They are grouped together so you can do it all at once. You can cut out two cups on one sheet of 12" x 12" paper. WOO HOO! I'm stoked that I was able to get this figured out so quickly. Oh yeah... here's the SVG file Theresa's Tea Cup


Simple Instructions for assembling the teacup:

Cut out and score the cup.

Fold the floating insert into a V and attach.

Attach a piece of foam tape to the bottom edge and apply glue to the rest of the tab. It is the bottom of your cup. Center it on the doily and stick it down.

This is how your cup looks from the top when open. Attach flowers to the insert pieces for a 3D look.

That's all there is to it. Just decorate the card and send! Enjoy! Here's a page of teacup cards to enjoy.


  1. I just tried to do this project, I'm not understanding the part where the foam goes in the end and from there....I can't seem to figure it out on my own. Can you please help a slow learner? LOL

    1. Sure you just put a little piece of foam on the edge of the bottom of the cup so it goes between the doily and the cup. When the back of you cup edge opens it will "catch" on the raised edge and help it to stay open.

    2. thank you. I downloaded the instructions and cut it out by hand because Cricut is saying it's a private cut file and wouldn't upload it.

    3. Some people can open it and some can't. Try changing your setting from 'Explore Family' to 'Maker' in design space. That works for some. I'm working on an SVG file of it but I'm learning Inkscape on the fly so bear with me. Thx!

  2. Thank you so much! This is beautiful! I was wondering if you had a pattern for the spoon?

  3. Hi, thank you so much for the free pattern, this cup is adorable. When printing it out on the computer, do you need to adjust sizing...or enlarge it after printing on A4 paper. Otherwise it seems to small... what am I doing wrong?

  4. Thank you for the tutorial and the link for the svg. this is lovely!

  5. Is there any print and cut flower designs that go with this cup to cut out on Cricut. nwlawson2@hotmail.com
